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Erika Gilchrist Vio
[Video Biography]

Assaulted as a little girl, domestically abused as a young adult, living in a women’s shelter, and survived a suicide attempt, Erika Gilchrist has earned the title of “The Unstoppable Woman.” She is regarded as one of the most energizing, engaging, and captivating speakers in the industry.
She is the creator of the brazen brand, W.T.F. – Women Thriving Fearlessly!™.
Ms. Gilchrist is an expert in personal development, leadership training, abuse prevention & escape, team cohesiveness, classroom management, and conflict management skills for women. She has built a thriving business from absolutely nothing to now being the owner of the largest expo for women in business in Chicagoland appropriately called the Women Thriving Fearlessly Expo™. She’s been featured as one of the “15 Most Powerful Women on the South Side of Chicago,” Chicago Woman Magazine, WCIU, CLTV, and Rolling Out Magazine.
She has been certified in the following:
"Unconscious Bias: From Awareness to Action"
- CatalystX
"Teaching & Learning in Diverse Classrooms"
-CornellX University
"Classroom Management"
- Center for Teacher Effectiveness
"Gatekeeper for Suicide Prevention"
- QPR Institute

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